The reliability programme for aircraft in operation or under maintenance is a combination of statistic monitoring and recording of the events associated with the airworthiness of an aircraft, component or component part. The results obtained by monitoring reliability in operation should serve as a basis for supplementing or modifying the aircraft maintenance programme and in turn allow the operator to understand the nature of the true failure.

At Component Recovery Solutions we work with operators and Flying Hour Providers to help monitor the reliability of the aircraft in their care, analysing the data and helping them to better understand where the problem lies. When it comes to poor component or piece part reliability, CRS take this a step further working with sister companies to produce an approved solution to resolve the issue and improve reliability. Whether this be through revising maintenance tasks on specific components, or looking at Part 21J design modifications to components during repair through our sister workshop CRS Technics and design office 21JAerodesign, or even remanufacture of piece parts through the EASA Part 21J/G and STC through 21GAeroparts, our aim is to ensure units remain on wing longer, cost reduced and reliability permanently improved.

Though we have had some resistance to some of the solutions offered, particularly when any real solution requires working to EASA approved Part21 services outside of the OEM manuals, we are normally able to prove the cost saving over a 12 or 18 month period is substantial, not only for the components themselves, but also savings in maintenance failures in flight, and component changes.

In addition we are speaking to lease companies in relation to our work and frequently receive positive feedback for the work we are doing. Even so, if this is not acceptable to them, savings made on components reworked through the Part 21 process during operation, far exceed replacing such items at time of handback, and generally operators have switched such components between current and handback aircraft further benefitting from the reliability built into the parts.

Tracware is CRS chosen IT partner for MRO functions and reliability monitoring through the Aerotrac system.